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manousso_new_logo7 Become a Professional Mediator – Headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA, since 1993

@Do you have questions?
There are many answers below with training dates and fees.  Or call!

Click here for tuition and special discounts, like our early bird and active college student discounts. Or call, Dr. Barbara Manousso at 713/557-1010.  Email is

ZOOM live: Our trainings are interactive/real time ZOOM training and fun online.  Call us at (713)557-1010 text/talk!

Since 1993, we have offered the best in the world-wide mediation training with applauded ADR leadership.  Our lecturers are active mediators and arbitrators, ADR leaders, practitioners, academics, theorists, and authors with quality credentials and admired professional standing.  The staff of Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC: Solution2Conflict are actively engaged worldwide.

Have you listened to Manousso Musing on PodCasts or YouTube?  Meet the Titans of Mediation with Dr. Manousso.

Before you register for any training, make sure that your trainers meet the qualifications for, and are members of, professional mediation organizations, such as the Texas Association of Mediators, Texas Mediators Trainers Round Table (TMTR) and the Texas Credentialing Association, or you won’t be getting a quality training.  Your trainers must be actively involved in practice and professional development!

Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC. is an accredited sponsor of continuing education credits (CEU), approved by the State Bar of Texas, Committee on MCLE, as well as other professional organizations, such as CEU for CPA, LPC, and HR.

We are proud members of and trainers for the Houston Area Better Business Bureau and many other consumer groups and international panels.

Arbitration Training ONLINE with ZOOM: live and interactive.

($550.00) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 10 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR on Friday, 2 May 2025, from 9:00 AM until 5:30 PM, plus writing a short  opinion/decision that will be explained in class and a meet up on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, from 7 PM until 8 PM.

Basic Mediation Training ZOOM LIVE and INTERACTIVE. 40 hours.

($975) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 40 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR, includes Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR training), handouts, and notebooks:

Our next fabulous basic mediation training class will  be Wednesday to Friday, April 2, 3, 4, 2025, and then the next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 8th and 9th, 2025, from 10 AM to 6:30 PM daily.

All classes will be ZOOM live and interactive. Students must be ON CAMERA and attentive for the whole program for certificate and MCLE/CEU affirmative.

Advanced Mediation: Family-Divorce-Child Custody training live, interactive, on ZOOM. 30 hours.

($895) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 30 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR.

Class will be held from Tuesday to Friday – on February  25, 26, 27, 28, 2025, from 10 AM to 6:00 PM.  Join the eleven lecturers in this interactive class on ZOOM!

For attorneys, mediators, and family professionals: 

If you are already an attorney or mediator who does not have the required Texas Statute domestic violence (DV) training, you can take the DV only  class that will be held on Tuesday, 25 February 2025, from 1 PM until 5:00 PM, for only $150.00

Please send an email note with your name to with subject:
Domestic Violence Certificate > MCLE!

This DV class is INCLUDED in our Advance Family 30 hours of training above.

Parenting Coordination and Facilitation Training

($525) Ask about special discounts.

ZOOM live and interactive: Sign up for this and advance family mediation training for high conflict families at the same time and use the early bird discount (SAVE $$$) for both classes

16 hours-MCLE/CEU 16 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR

In 2025, Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th, 2025, from 9:00AM until 5:30PM, daily.  >>Anyone can be a Parenting Coordinator, which is what is usually court requested.  Parenting Facilitator is for special cases explained in training. Note for AMICUS training: The PCF skills are excellent for Amicus attorneys in communicating with high conflict clients.

Elder and Adult Family Mediation Training

($600), specially discounted for family mediators.

If you have questions, call (713)557-1010. Classes are held ZOOM live and interactive.

20 hours-MCLE/CEU 20 and 3 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR on Wednesday, September 24th, 1 PM to 6:30 PM, Thursday,September 25th, from 10 am until 6:00 PM, Friday, September 26th, 2025, from 10 AM until 6:00 PM

Note our NO refund policy, once you have paid for a training, but you can always reschedule online classes with a rescheduling fee of $150, if you cancel within 72 hours.

Our classes can be taken in any order, although you can’t mediate until you meet all the requirements of the Texas statute.

Classes will be held on ZOOM, so it is required for certificate attendance that students use a computer and remain on camera, ATTENTIVELY, for the duration of the training.  

Handicap accessible training venue: ZOOM live!

Texas Justice Center for Mediation and Arbitration in Bellaire off I-610 West Loop.

Ranch Office Conference Room and Virtual Office

Ranch Office Conference Room and Virtual Office

Heights Mediation Center


The Texas Mediation Center in Bellaire and Heights Mediation Center are modern, well located, facilities dedicated to ADR meetings, where you can proudly invite your mediation and arbitration clients.

See brochure.

Dr. Manousso trained me as a mediator. Her class was easy to follow, practical, and provided real-world information that has helped me tremendously in my mediation practice. As an example,

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  Barbara advocates breaking away from “shuttle diplomacy,” which is commonly used in mediating court cases. “Shuttle diplomacy” consists of the parties in two different rooms, and the mediator simply moves back and forth. Barbara helped me feel comfortable trying a more modern approach to mediation: one where both parties stay in the same room for as long as possible to brainstorm possible solutions to their own problems. Barbara also started and ended her class promptly, and she delivers what she promises. I would recommend Barbara and her classes to anyone who would like to improve their conflict resolution skills – whether in the workplace, their family life, or in court battles.”
Heather McFarlane J.D.,and Mediator MoreTestimonials

On September 1, 2018, the Houston Business Journal named Dr. Manousso as
A Woman Who Means Business in Professional Services 2018.

Congratulations to our Manousso Mediations graduate Victoria McClain

2024 President-Elect

Association for Conflict Resolution International

Basic Mediation is an intensive training that complies with both Texas Civil Practice & Remedy Code Ann. and

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the Texas Mediation Training Roundtable’s requirements for mediation training. This course is designed to satisfy the 40 classroom hours of training required to mediate court-referred disputes as indicated in the Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Act § 154.052, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann.

Course  Info
MCLE:CEU 40 and 4 ethics
Arbitration Training is for individuals, mediators, attorneys, and judges, who want to hear a case and write an opinion for the parties. This is an authoritative ADR process that takes into

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account your special interests and talents.  You make the decision.  We work closely with the Houston Better Business Bureau”s Autoline and Arbitration programs.

Course Info
MCLE:CEU 9 and 3 in ethics
Parenting Coordinators and Facilitators assist the family courts by providing mediation for high conflict couples who need guidance in child custody issues and scheduling.

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The Coordinators and Facilitators are appointed by judges and paid by the families according to state statutes.

Course Info
MCLE:CEU 20 and 4 in ethics

Congratulations, co-director at Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC., Melissa Back McAlpine, JD, who was elected the 2019 president of the Texas Association of Mediators.  She also is Co-Chair of the Texas Mediators Trainers Round Table (TMTR) and co-taught with Dr. Manousso at the University of St. Thomas, as well as the founder of Back to Yes.

Advanced is the next step in training, the course for family, child custody, and divorce mediation skills

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, as required by Texas State Statute to mediate family court-referred and pro se disputes, as well as private divorce and child custody cases, with or without representation by attorneys, as indicated in the Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Act § 154.052, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. This certificate course of 30 hours of training covers family law, family dynamics, child development, family violence, practice considerations, theory, replete with skill building exercises and role-plays. Prerequisite: Basic (40 hours) Mediation (Courses can be taken out of order).  This is a content based training with role plays.)

Course Info
MCLE:CEU 30 and 3 in ethics
Elder and Adult Care Mediation is twenty hours of training in standards of care and communication that will benefit social workers, hospice workers, 

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 nursing home administrators, certified public accountants, guardians, lawyers, and mediators who seek to expand their careers and reinforce their resumes. The focus of this special training is to assist senior adults and families have the conversation that they have not been able to have.  To hear and learn more about elder mediation, go to AARP radio interview.

Course Info
MCLE:CEU 20 and 4 in ethics
AARP 2017 Radio Interview with Dr. Manousso
Manousso Mediation Services include:

  • Corporate training programs, lectures, and workshops
  • Small Business Conflict Management Training and Employee Support
  • Family and Divorce Mediation
  • Elder and Adult Care Mediation
  • Commercial Mediation
  • Corporate and health care Conflict Resolution Coaching
  • Ombudsman Services for government and mid-size companies


For the best in mediation training, select a mediation training program with proven leadership and lecturers with academic credentials and professional standing, like the staff of Manousso Mediation.  

Make sure that your trainers meet the qualifications for professional mediation organizations, such as being members of the Texas Association of Mediators, Association for Conflict Resolution, Texas Credentialing Association, and Texas Mediators Trainers Round Table (TMTR), or you won’t be getting a quality training and often won’t be accepted into the mediation community.  Online trainings are not recognized by most mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) panels.  Check and verify all trainer credentials through each professional organizations.

Dr. Manousso was the 2019 Texas Association of Mediators’ recipient of the Adams Award for her contributions to the practice of mediation and arbitration, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), in Texas.
Association for Conflict Resolution Houston Chapter
Lifetime Achievement Award
Honored Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso

See the wonderful evening photos at
The Houston Business Journal honored Dr. Barbara Manousso as a Woman Who Means Business in Professional Services on October 18, 2018.

Coming events for Manousso Mediation and Arbitration

New:  The Legislature now requires four hours of domestic violence training in order to conduct any family mediations. If you have taken our advance family training, this class is included in our family, divorce, child-custody, elder and adult care certificate.
However, if you trained elsewhere, you might not have had the four hours of domestic violence (DV) training included.  Therefore, Manousso Mediation offers only the four hours of domestic violence training on Tuesday, October 8th, at 1 PM,  for $150.   To register, go to the Pay Tuition page under Advance training (drop down button) payment, and select last item.  

Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso is an annual sponsor of the
Texas Association of Mediators (TAM) and the
Association for Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC).

Congratulate, Bowen Mei 
the Manousso Mediation and Arbitration Scholar
Bowen Mei, a new
ADR professional and graduate of
Texas A&M majoring in computer engineering
Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC selects an outstanding student annually to train as a mediator and arbitrator to complement their career path with conflict management skills and solutions.   If you know of a young person who would value this opportunity, please
email Dr. Manousso.

Your tuition contributes to community donations, so you make charitable contributions and a positive difference to solutions.
Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC, proudly supports many non-profit organizations with almost 50 percent of each student’s tuition.  The Houston Area Woman’s Center is one of our favorite charities, as noted for decades to  HAWC Leadership campaigns by Dr. Manousso.  Other charities include the Association for Conflict Resolution Houston Chapter, University of St. Thomas’ Center for International Studies, The Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation, Trinity Children, Children’s Assessment Center, Brown University, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Texas Association of Mediators, Association of Families and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), Texas Association for Attorneys and Mediators, and many more.

Manousso Mediation and Arbitration was the proud sponsor of the Distinguished Diplomat Annual meeting at the Center for International Studies on Ethics, Privacy, and Data Protection in Cyber Domain.

Mediator Makes U.S. News & World Report’s List of Best Careers since 2006. U.S. News considered job satisfaction, training difficulty, prestige, job market outlook, and quality pay as keys to its ranking.

Check out these Websites for career opportunities in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Mediation and Arbitration.

There are many job search engines that look for mediators and arbitrators or require conflict management skills, verified by a basic mediation certificate.

Take our basic mediation and arbitration trainings and enhance your resume. Perhaps, start your next career path!

Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso talks about Elder and Adult Care Mediation with radio host from 50Plus, Doug Pike, on KPRC radio.

Podcast taped March 2016.


Dr. Manousso applauded in Houston Woman Magazine, April 2016
Article on Elder and Family Mediation and Arbitration!