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manousso_new_logo7 Become a Professional Mediator – Headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA, since 1993

@Do you have questions?
There are many answers below with training dates and fees.  Or call!

Click here for tuition and special discounts, like our early bird and active college student discounts. Or call, Dr. Barbara Manousso at 713/557-1010.  Email is

ZOOM live: Our trainings are interactive/real time ZOOM training and fun online.  Call us at (713)557-1010 text/talk!

Since 1993, we have offered the best in the world-wide mediation training with applauded ADR leadership.  Our lecturers are active mediators and arbitrators, ADR leaders, practitioners, academics, theorists, and authors with quality credentials and admired professional standing.  The staff of Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC: Solution2Conflict are actively engaged worldwide.

Have you listened to Manousso Musing on PodCasts or YouTube?  Meet the Titans of Mediation with Dr. Manousso.

Before you register for any training, make sure that your trainers meet the qualifications for, and are members of, professional mediation organizations, such as the Texas Association of Mediators, Texas Mediators Trainers Round Table (TMTR) and the Texas Credentialing Association, or you won’t be getting a quality training.  Your trainers must be actively involved in practice and professional development!

Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC. is an accredited sponsor of continuing education credits (CEU), approved by the State Bar of Texas, Committee on MCLE, as well as other professional organizations, such as CEU for CPA, LPC, and HR.

We are proud members of and trainers for the Houston Area Better Business Bureau and many other consumer groups and international panels.

Arbitration Training ONLINE with ZOOM: live and interactive.

($550.00) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 10 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR on Friday, 24 January 2025, from 9:00 AM until 5:30 PM, plus writing a short  opinion/decision that will be explained in class and a meet up on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, from 7 PM until 8 PM.

Basic Mediation Training ZOOM LIVE and INTERACTIVE. 40 hours.

($975) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 40 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR, includes Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR training), handouts, and notebooks:

Our next fabulous basic mediation training class will  be Wednesday to Friday, January 8, 9, 10, 2025, and then the next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14th and 15th, 2025, from 10 AM to 6:30 PM daily.

All classes will be ZOOM live and interactive. Students must be ON CAMERA and attentive for the whole program for certificate and MCLE/CEU affirmative.

Advanced Mediation: Family-Divorce-Child Custody training live, interactive, on ZOOM. 30 hours.

($895) Ask about special discounts.

Earn MCLE/CEU 30 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR.

Class will be held from Tuesday to Friday – on February 25, 26, 27, 28, 2025, from 10 AM to 6:00 PM.  Join the eleven lecturers in this interactive class on ZOOM!

For attorneys, mediators, and family professionals: 

If you are already an attorney or mediator who does not have the required Texas Statute domestic violence (DV) training, you can take the DV only  class that will be held on Tuesday, 25 February 2025, from 1 PM until 5:00 PM, for only $150.00

Please send an email note with your name to with subject:
Domestic Violence Certificate > MCLE!

This DV class is INCLUDED in our Advance Family 30 hours of training above.

Parenting Coordination and Facilitation Training

($525) Ask about special discounts.

ZOOM live and interactive: Sign up for this and Advance Family at the same time and use the early bird discount (SAVE $$$) for both classes

16 hours-MCLE/CEU 16 and 4 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR

In 2025, Friday and Saturday, April 4th and 5th, 2025, from 9:00AM until 5:30PM, daily.  >> AMICUS training: The PCF skills are excellent for Amicus attorneys in communicating with high conflict clients.

Elder and Adult Family Mediation Training

($600), specially discounted for family mediators.

If you have questions, call (713)557-1010. Classes are held ZOOM live and interactive.

20 hours-MCLE/CEU 20 and 3 in ethics for JD, CPA, LPC, SW, HR on Wednesday, January 29th, 1 PM to 6:30 PM, Thursday, January 30th, from 10 am until 6:00 PM, Friday, January 31st, 2025, from 10 AM until 6:00 PM

Note our NO refund policy, once you have paid for a training, but you can always reschedule online classes with a rescheduling fee of $150, if you cancel within 72 hours.

Our classes can be taken in any order, although you can’t mediate until you meet all the requirements of the Texas statute.

Classes will be held on ZOOM, so it is required for certificate attendance that students use a computer and remain on camera, ATTENTIVELY, for the duration of the training.  

Handicap accessible training venue: ZOOM live!

Texas Justice Center for Mediation and Arbitration in Bellaire off I-610 West Loop.

Ranch Office Conference Room and Virtual Office

Ranch Office Conference Room and Virtual Office

Heights Mediation Center


The Texas Mediation Center in Bellaire and Heights Mediation Center are modern, well located, facilities dedicated to ADR meetings, where you can proudly invite your mediation and arbitration clients.

See brochure.

Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso

Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC: Conflict Resolution Coaching & Training, was founded in 1993 by Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso, a 100% woman-owned business and co-works, now, with attorney, mediator, arbitrator, Melissa Back McAlpine.   Melissa McAlpine is the immediate past president of the Texas Association of Mediators and co-convener of the Texas Mediators Trainers Roundtable, as well as past president of the Association for Conflict Resolution Houston Chapter.

Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso, Ph.D., M.P.H. and CEO of Manousso Mediation and Arbitration, LLC,  has been an author, mediation arbitration trainer, and professor of Global Conflict Management at the University of St. Thomas.  She was recognized by the Texas Association of Mediators as the top Texas mediator for 2019.   In 2018, she was recognized for a Lifetime Achievement Award in Mediation by the Association for Conflict Resolution and in 2018 the Houston Business Journal recognized her as a Woman Who Means Business and a Professional Business Mentor.  Moreover, since 1972 she has been recognized as an entrepreneur, she was Rhode Island’s Outstanding Small Business Owner by the United States White House.  She has been listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World since 1982.  In 2010, she was recognized as One of Fifty Most Influential Women in Houston.  In 1992, the government of Suez, Egypt, recognized her with a humanity award.

In Houston and internationally, Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso is actively involved with mediating and arbitrating for local civil and federal clients.  She belongs to a variety of professional organizations, such as the Texas Association of Mediators, Texas Mediation Credentialing Association as a Distinguished Mediator, the New England Chapter of the Association of Conflict Resolution, The Texas Mediation Training Roundtable, and a variety of international rosters and serves on their leadership for training and standards.  Barbara is a former president of the Houston Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution and current board member.  She serves on the editorial board of the ACResolution Magazine and serves on section committees of the international Association for Conflict Resolution.  She is a frequent trainer and lecturer on mediation nationally and internationally.  She is immediate pasts co-chair of the Health Care Section of the international Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) and is the current chair for the international ACR Education, Research, and Training section.

Dr. Manousso’s baccalaureate degree is from Brown University in Rhode Island, masters of public health degree is from the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston, Texas, and doctorate from Nova Southeastern University in Florida.

Dr. Manousso was a certified Nationally Registered Guardian and Texas Registered Guardian.  So when it comes to elder care and special need clients, she is well versed in community resources and opportunities to help families have quality conversations and make informed decisions.  Sometimes, all that is needed is conflict coaching to help family members address difficult situations, which can be done over the phone.  If discussion needs to take place in a private venue, such as as nursing home, Manousso or her team of mediators will go to the facility to accommodate the parties.  She served at the request of former Texas Governor Rick Perry and current Governor Abbott on the statewide regulatory agency for nursing homes for over 10 years, the Nursing Facility Administrator Advisory Committee.  She has now been appointed as a commissioner on two board for health care and insurance.

Over the years, she has formed a conflict resolution network with an international panel of professionals who practice with expertise in elder care mediation, probate, divorce, real estate, religious organizations, environmental protection, and consumer issues.  She has trained hundreds of mediators to mediate, arbitrate, and facilitate.  She has taken thousands of hours of training and earned numerous certificates and a doctorate in mediation, arbitration, and facilitation. 

No matter where your conflict might take you, or take place, we have a network of seasoned, credentialed mediators, including Dr.Manousso, who can help with your dispute.  Instead of litigating, mediate with Manousso.  Mediation can save you substantial money and time; your case can usually be mediated in a timely manner for a modest amount of money, sometimes within days; and you can keep your dispute private, totally out of public records, unlike litigation.

Moreover, wherever you take your training, make sure that your lecturers are part of the professional mediation and ADR communities and are active mediators.  Your best training depends on it.  Of course, we hope that you will bring your skills and passion for being a peace maker to Manousso Mediation, so come train with us.


Barbara Sunderland Manousso, Ph.D, M.P.H.
Texas Distinguished Credentialed Mediator
Certified Collaborative Law Mediator

21 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 508    Houston, Texas 77027

Phone 713.840.0828     Mobile 713.557.1010     Fax 713.850.1452



Mediation Training Alert!
When you sign up for a mediation training, make sure that the lecturers and course coordinator are distinguished credentialed mediators, like Dr. Barbara Manousso, and are qualified educators with real experience.  Ask for and read their resumes and verify their degrees. Make sure that your trainers are also members of the Texas Association of Mediators, Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR), Houston Chapter of ACR, and the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable (TMTR.  If not, then they are not qualified to train.

Lots of programs pop up, but the lecturers have no real background in practice or mediation teaching and training. Or your mediation certificate won’t take you where you want to go. In addition, online programs for the 40 hours of basic mediation training are not accepted by most panels, organizations, or appointments. You need interactive classroom training with feedback and for observation purposes to hone mediation skills.

Credentials count, so should yours!

Manousso Mediation training is a credentialed, interactive quality skill-based classroom course, taught by experienced mediators, leaders in the field, and recognized by all major mediation groups.  Don’t accept any training program with less credentialed or anonymous trainers.   For the best in ADR training, check out Dr. Manousso’s resume, where connections work and you benefit from the interactive class.

Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso

Texas Distinguished Credentialed Mediator has been recognized by Houston Woman’s Magazine as one of Houston’s 50 Influential Women 2010 2011 Houston Chronicle article on Manousso Mediation! 100% Woman Owned Small Business & HUB Read article

A few professional credentials of Lead Instructor, Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso
Former president and current board member of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Houston Chapter and current Chairman of the Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR) International Education, Training, and Research (ERT) Section, and President of the Houston Gerontological Society 2016 and 2017, and President-Elect of the University of Texas School of Public Health Alumni Association.

Active, longtime member of
Texas Association of Mediators
Texas Distinguished Credentialed Mediator
Association of Conflict Resolution
Texas Mediators Training Roundtable
World Symposium of Elder Mediator
World Mediation Organization
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Academy of Family Mediations

Reappointed in January 2013 for another six year term by Governor Rick Perry as a Commissioner for the Nursing Facility Administrators Advocacy Committee

Appointed since 2012 as an Associate Member of the University of Texas Health Consortium on Aging.   Manousso Mediation is proud and pleased to work closely with all the Dispute Resolution Centers in Texas, including Harris, Montgomery, and Fort Bend, as well as the Better Business Bureaus.

We supply paid and volunteer mediators and arbitrators for all programs from our training programs.

Manousso Mediation has been a proud 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 sponsor
Texas Association of Mediators (TAM) statewide conference.

Have you read our student testimonials?!
Valerie wrote: “Thank you so much Barbara for your instruction and your example! You are truly a mentor and I am thankful I was able to learn under your instruction!”

Look on FB for a few of our students who have established great practices:
Don Tomlinson, Lori LaConta, Melissa Back-Back to Yes, Valerie Mediates; Merchant Mediation; Craven Mediation; Jennifer Engel-Confidential Mediation; Dr. Richard Palazzo; Dove Mediation…. and more!

Article on Dr. Manousso in Houston Woman Magazine, April 2016