When divorce becomes unavoidable, use this unique interactive software to leave your marriage with your dignity intact and money in your pocket. Don’t pay professionals for the preliminary work you can do.
Why use DivorceSavvySavesMoney?
One of the most costly tasks in divorce is gathering, organizing, and handling financial information. When each attorney engages in this task, you end up paying them to duplicate their efforts. DivorceSavvySavesMoney gives you a chance to start making the necessary preparations as soon as possible. If you do this before your first meeting with an attorney or mediator, he or she will have a good overview of your case and be able to give you more effective and efficient professional service from the very beginning. Those of you with children will want to use the specialized worksheets in DivorceSavvySavesMoney to guide you in developing your parenting plan. Basically, you can do the work you would otherwise pay others thousands of dollars to do for you. And when you use DivorceSavvySavesMoney, not only do you save money, you and your spouse have a better understanding all of your assets and liabilities, when negotiating a property settlement.
When you order DivorceSavvySavesMoney, you will have:
Instructions for collecting, organizing, and entering information in a form necessary for avoiding costly legal procedures
Interactive spreadsheets with built-in formulas
- to enter and customize your necessary information
- to revise and correct entries during the entire divorce process
- to provide visual aids that promote a better understanding of financial and parenting matters
- to calculate multiple possibilities for a property settlement using “what-if” analysis
- to reduce time and money spent with a professional
Who should use DivorceSavvySavesMoney?
If you and your spouse have acquired assets or accrued debt during your marriage, and at least one of you has a minimal comfort level with Microsoft Excel, DivorceSavvySavesMoney will help you plan your divorce. You will toggle from cell to cell and enter the information needed for your divorce in a simple, easy-to-understand format that you can share with your spouse, with your attorneys, and with your mediator. And once you’ve entered the basic information, built-in formulas allow you to calculate values quickly and easily while you’re negotiating.
DivorceSavvySavesMoney contains two files:
FILE I: DSSM Instructions.pdf is a text document with all the necessary information for using the spreadsheet file and for preparing materials for your divorce.
FILE II: DSSM Worksheets.xls is an EXCEL file with the following worksheets:
- A Client Information page
to enter personal information essential for filing a divorce petition.
- An Inventory of Assets & Liabilities
to enter important information on each of your holdings and debts.
to quickly calculate values.
to tax affect entries whenever it is appropriate.
to generate various alternatives that provide a basis for sound decision-making when negotiating a property settlement.
- Parenting Plan worksheets
to structure Daily; Weekly; Monthly Schedules.
to make Holiday Arrangements.
- Budget/Cash Flow Forms
to structure support for two households.
to help each of you plan for responsible financial management in the future.
What it is not:
- It’s not a do-it-yourself divorce kit. DivorceSavvySavesMoney is designed to help your attorney and/or mediator work with you more efficiently and effectively. There are services available for do-it-yourself divorces, but we don’t provide them.
- It’s not a substitute for your own attorney. DivorceSavvySavesMoney is designed to be useful to people who are going through divorce regardless of where they live. But it does not provide advice about interpreting the divorce laws of your state or country.
- It’s not a way to get somebody else to do the work for you. DivorceSavvySavesMoney is all about your taking control and doing some homework on the front end that will save you time and money in your divorce. By necessity, this means that you’ll be doing more of the work initially. When you finish, both of you will be glad you did this work yourself.
Now you have a chance to download this unique interactive software for just $49.95!